Buyang Cultural Festival has the confidence of super core, the total annual sales of all kinds of products strive to break through 4 billion

Source:BUYANG GROUPRelease time:2021-11-02

October 23, the 19th Buyang cultural festival gala held in buyang Group headquarters, nearly 300 outstanding dealers from all over the country and more than 5000 Buyang staff to watch the party, the current cultural festival with red thought "always follow the party, Buyang hundred years of prosperity" as the theme, diversification to promote the development of enterprises.

Most of the programs of the cultural festival gala are "Buyang people", showing the vigorous spirit of buyang people. The party continued with the chorus of all staff "Buyang Staff song". Opening dance "happy China" to express the blessing of the 72nd anniversary of the birth of the motherland, because of the prosperity and strength of the country, just have the development of today's Buyang; Sand painting performance "My" door is different ", the new era of primary school students pick up the sand in their hands, describe the industrial power in their hearts, from here on, as kuafu day by day to pursue their Chinese dream, ingenuity dream.

Wonderful colorful performances, party members actively take the lead to participate in the enterprise staff life, production activities into a sketch moved on the stage, truly reflect the connotation of enterprise culture.

Culture stage · Sales performance

The total annual sales strive to break through 4 billion

October 22nd, sponsored by the step Yang group "step Yang glory 29 years | heart, common development, step 2021 Yang distributor summit" ended, representatives from nearly 300 dealers across the country to attend the meeting, as an indicator of door industry, step Yang according to current situation of industry puts forward a new strategic target, and a one-time release more new products category, condensed dealer's confidence.

In 2021, under the triple impact of the continuous rebound of the epidemic, the price rise of raw materials and the double control of power restriction, Buyang Group's sales volume increased against the trend. From January to October 2021, the overall sales volume increased by 21.9% year on year, showing the huge potential energy stored by The market of Buyang Group and its strategic advancement under the new situation. Under the encouragement of Chairman Xu, Buyang Iron Army five military regions signed the responsibility certificate on the spot. The task in the fourth quarter exceeded the original target of 330 million yuan, and the total annual sales of all kinds of products strive to break through 4 billion yuan. Chairman Xu said that under the new market environment, what kind of products people need, Buyang will produce what products. Based on this, Buyang Group took the initiative to embrace change, in the brand, marketing, products, terminals and other aspects to do a lot of measures.

Chairman Xu said that with the upgrading of consumption, China's residents' consumption has shifted from "subsistence" to "quality", and the consumption structure has changed a lot. "More and more people are pursuing a comfortable, self-led lifestyle. As consumers' lifestyles change, businesses that serve consumers naturally have to adapt. How to study and tell the lifestyle of consumers, to create products or service solutions in line with the current consumers, is the whole door industry and even the household industry to face the problem.

Xu Jingjun, general manager of Buyang Group stressed that "new positioning, new products, new services, we create millions of big business, build a whole channel, whole category marketing system" we must find their own positioning, timely launch of new products, improve the buyang service system, and the most critical, is to enhance the brand awareness of consumers.
Listen to the party's words, feel the party's gratitude, go with the Party, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the group invited Hunan Shaoshan Peng Jing lecturer to speak about the history of the Party, listen to the party class, carry forward the red spirit of Buyang, cast the strength of Buyang iron Army, and during the organization of dealers to watch the patriotic film "Changjin Lake".